Laundry Hacks: Tips to Save Time and Get Cleaner Clothes at New Wave Laundromat
Doing your laundry shouldn't be a daunting task, especially when you follow these superb laundry hacks prepared by New Wave Laundromat. Located in Salem, Oregon, we offer a comfortable and modern environment, equipped with some of the best laundry machines on the market, to make your laundry routine easy and efficient. Be it chapstick, strawberry, blue or lip gloss stains, or any other laundry related questions, rest assured we have got you covered. Let's dive right in, shall we?
Understanding Your Laundry Detergent
Understanding the type of laundry detergent you use is key to achieving cleaner clothes. New Wave Laundromat carries a variety of laundry detergents optimized for different types of fabrics and stains. If you've ever wondered "how long does laundry detergent last?" or "how much does a load of laundry cost to do?", we have readily available articles to quench your curiosity.
Pro Tip: Always read the laundry detergent label. It provides information on usage, precautions, and the type of fabrics it is suitable for.
Stain Removal Hacks
At New Wave Laundromat, we understand that stains can be stubborn. That's why we have prepared an "ultimate stain removal guide" to help you navigate through it. Here are some quick tips on removing specific stains:
Chapstick Stains: Start by scraping off excess chapstick. Apply a laundry detergent or stain remover, let it sit, then launder as usual.
Strawberry Stains: Rinse the stain with cool water. Apply a stain remover, and let it sit for 15 minutes before washing.
Blue Stains: Presoak the fabric in a mixture of water, white vinegar, and laundry detergent for 30 minutes before washing.
Lip Gloss Stains: Remove excess lip gloss with a blunt knife. Apply a stain remover, then wash.
Maximizing Your Laundromat Experience
Whether it's your first time at a laundromat or you're a regular visitor, maximizing your laundromat experience entails understanding the machines' operations and knowing how to fold your laundry to save you some space and time. Our "how-to-use a laundromat" guide offers hands-on tips. Plus, why not consider a coinless laundromat? Find out why many are choosing a coinless laundromat over traditional options.
Make The Most Out of Your Laundry Time
Time is precious, and it's essential to use it wisely, especially when it comes to doing your laundry. That's why we've created an optimal wash, dry, and fold service at New Wave Laundromat. Use this time-effective method and let us handle the daunting process of washing, drying, and folding your clothes with utmost expertise.
Quick Tip: Sort your laundry by color, fabric type, and load size before you start washing to save time and get cleaner results.
Eco-friendly Laundry Options
In the move towards more eco-friendly alternatives, we offer several green solutions to your laundry needs. From washing at lower temperatures to using eco-friendly detergents, we are committed to providing a greener laundry experience. Also, consider our self-service laundry as it uses less energy compared to traditional washer and dryer combinations, contributing to a greener Earth.
Lower temperature washing - Did you know that 90% of the energy used in washing machines goes towards heating the water? Washing at lower temperatures saves energy and also provides excellent cleaning results.
Eco-friendly detergent - These detergents not only get your clothes cleaned, but they also do less harm to the environment.
Remember, every small change leads to a significant impact. Let’s do our part for a greener tomorrow.
Summing Up Laundry Hacks for Cleaner Clothes
Finally, achieving cleaner clothes isn't rocket science, but it does require a bit of knowledge and practice. From understanding your detergents and their usage to learning the tricks for removing stubborn stains, these hacks can make your laundry chores less daunting.
At New Wave Laundromat, we are committed to making your laundry experience enjoyable. If you're looking for options to save time or have questions about laundry in general, you can always reach out to us or check out the frequently asked laundry questions on our website.
With our tips and tricks, embrace a fuss-free, efficient laundry routine — Happy washing, drying, and folding!